Hello friends. In a previous blog, we attempted to identify all the factors to consider all in all purchasing a new car. What features are necessary in a car? What are the benefits of insurance? In this post we will discuss what is free service
what is free service
Today we will know what facilities are provided to us in free of cost service. This is different in every car, which car brand offers 3 services, which car brand offers 4 services and which car brand offers 5 services.
The time limit specifies when you can use free services. The foc service comes with a time limit for use. You cannot use it at any time.
EXAMPLE – Suppose it is time for the first service of your car. You have two limits: a time limit and running.. Whichever of the two happens first. The first kilometer is traversed. 2nd time period elapses.
1st service should be done before 1000 kilometers or 1 month. Whichever comes first will require your attention.
The car company gives you free services. In this service, you do not have to pay labor charges for the work done on the vehicle.
Various types of work are done inside the service.
Which works do not pay, and which works require payment for the services rendered.
The service station services our car. We have to pay money for consumable parts. In the foc service you get the facility of General Checkup, Electrical Checkup, Underbody Checkup, Vehicle Washing and Cleaning etc.
Some services like wheel alignment and wheel balancing. Wiring cut by rat, you have to pay its charges even in free servicing.
READ ALSO. How to buy a new car.
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